Monday, April 22, 2013

Beautiful Mulch

1Here is your problem to solve for the day:

If it's sunny outside, if the temperature is mild (okay, mild-ish), and there's a HUGE pile of gorgeous mulch in your driveway, what do you think you'd be doing? 
Well, it's hardy fair; of course, you'd get it right.  It's all about what you would do so you'd have to be correct! 
Here's what I did.  First, I looked at the pile, envisioned how beautiful it would make my yard look, turned my face up to the sun for a brief moment of sunbliss, thought about how my back would feel if I help spread that mulch, and went back inside.
For 15 minutes.  I couldn't stand it!  The guilt ate at me, and the desire to be outside doing something was simply too much temptation!  At first all I did was rake the mulch so it was more evenly distributed than my husband's tossed piles.  But then I had a great idea.  I could shovel the mulch into the buckets for him!
That worked.  Picking up one shovel full at a time didn't put undue stress on my back (I was careful to lift correctly!), and I felt that I was a contributing member in this beautification project. 
While we didn't stay outside until the task was finished (as we would have done in years past), we are now able to put our car in the garage without driving over a mountain of mulch.  Our front yard is beginning to look as though winter is really gone.  And best of all, we were outside in the sunshine using our bodies for something other than keeping the sofa from floating off by sitting on it.
I know that tomorrow when I return home from multiple classes and appointments, D will have it all spread, and there will be nothing left for me to work at. 
Of course, there's always housework . . . Nah, too dull! 

1 comment:

  1. housework -- nope! Much too dull and time consuming only to be needed to be done again - just about the time you finish it.

    I'm hoping your back is feeling OK today. Sounds like a great way to spend a nice day.
