It's amusing how often one makes plans to accomplish certain things in a given period (like a day), and at the end of the day one has done more than twice as much as planned. What a day! The glow of self-righteousness, the feeling of being ahead of the curve is wonderful.
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Fruit and Avocados - now how would I paint this? |
Today was not like that for me although it wasn't a complete waste of time. I did get to the bank and the grocery store. I did get five plants in the garden in record time (who wanted to stay outdoors in that humid heat with those ravenous mosquitoes?). We did make two more batches of jam, and the laundry was done. Our neighbor came over for a little chat and planning, and as a result we added a few more fun activities to our calendar.
Actually, now that I look at it, that's not a bad day at all, is it? Except . . . the one thing I really wanted to do was cut the sashing strips for the bonsai quilt, and I didn't get to it. The anniversary is now only a little more than three weeks away and at least 7 of those days are spoken for.
Well, I'm not going to get upset about it. What gets done will be more than nothing, and since I have all the blocks made I already have more than nothing. Instead, I'm going to take each day as it comes and be happy that I am here to enjoy it.
That's such a great philosophy I'm going to give myself a bouquet!
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Abraham Darby rose with white astilbe in an antique pitcher. |
Anyone want to bet on how long it takes before I start fretting again?
I think you got lots done with your day. Unfortunately, I've found that things I think will take 10 minutes take at least an hour, and then there's no chance of finishing all you thought you could do. Sounds to me like you were really busy and accomplished a lot.
ReplyDeleteAnd the bonsai quilt is well on its way!!