Tah-dah, the bulbs are all planted! It has taken three days because there was so much necessary preliminary work to be done (trying to take out the invasive gooseneck plants) instead of the two I thought it would take. I am not disturbed by that, though because by the end I had planted 263 bulbs, and spring will be lovely.
Sadly, I did make some mistakes. I planted two frittilaria Crown Imperial bulb, one yellow and one orange. We had had an orange one several years ago, but one year it did not come again. Thinking about that, this evening I looking up the plants. Whoops! It turns out that frittilaria are very sensitive to having wet feet. It is recommended that they be planted with a layer of and under them. Now we do have sandy soil here, but that isn't quite the same thing as clean sand. We'll see what does or doesn't happen with these two in the spring.
Since it is almost Halloween, I found time to remove the summer flowers from the planter on our porch railing. In its place I set up some pumpkins in various sizes and a large white pumpkin-shaped squash. Having done that, I looked at the lovely flowers lying on the ground, and I knew I couldn't just toss them out. So they now grace our living room mantel.
The flowers are pretty, but isn't the grouping of petunias and other summer flowers in a Fall vase with Halloween decorations on either side an amusing contradiction?
it's a beautiful contradiction. And I can hardly wait for spring to see what happens in your gardens!