Our first experience with a bonsai nursery in So Korea was not what I expected. Because of what I had experienced both at home and in Japan, I thought of orderly benches with pots of bonsai in rows that encourage air flow, ease of watering and fertilizing, as well as constant attention to all sorts of things about which I know nothing. Keep that in mind as you look at these photos.
Walking through potted bamboo for sale:
The one gardener for all the trees we saw in the many greenhouses of the owner:
D making friend with one of several dogs:
Here's another:
A magnificent tree (note the background):
Another one that would make most bonsai collectors swoon (again in the background are trees all over the place - some almost impossible to get to)
And more:
Here are all sorts of trees grouped near a foot bridge (the turtles made me think of our grandson who loved turtles) and a small pond.
Such a lovely pot:
D among the trees:
At the second nursery, D found and purchase some Korean hornbeams; that's a very fine tree not available in the US. Here he is looking carefully at the available specimens.
A collection of bells and a rock with a heart-shaped opening caught my eye:
Outside the greenhouse there was a beautiful little columbine nestled in among some rocks:
That plant was part of a very lovely section of the nearby landscape.
Finally, we had lunch and ate traditional Korean food like kimchee (pickled cabbage marinated in a very hot sauce): The pots of kimchee are traditionally buried in the ground until they have been there long enough to be deemed "ready". The pickling pots are very attractive as you can see; I found them outside the restaurant:
And another ingredient in - well, almost everything!
A picture from the waiting area outside that restaurant
Seen on our way back to Seoul and our hotel - three forms of transportation:
I like the random nature of this garden! Those bamboo shoots sure were big enough. Can't put them on the airplane, can you? Beautiful, simply beautiful trees!!