Sunday, August 6, 2017

August Update

It is truly August - already!  We have had a terrific time with daughter and grandson at a Yankee vs Tiger game in NYC (Tigers won - D happy; daughter and grandson good sports) despite the absolute deluge at the end of the 7th inning. Didn't get home until after 1:00 a.m. - groans all around. Company in the late afternoon today for quiet drinks in the backyard.  Painter to come Monday to work on more odds and ends, and (we hope) start on the front porch.  Next up?  SiL coming this week for a trip to Corning to visit the glassworks and take a class!  Then on to visit the home of Edna St. Vincent Millay (a favorite of mine since my teen years).

In between those busy and happy times, we have been managing to find and gradually return various items that had been put away during laying wood floors, painting, and carpeting.  Lovely jobs like locating the bins with the china cabinet's contents and putting all that away while deciding which things could be passed on to charities.  Finding lamps and vacuuming their shades, putting new ones together, and trying to remember where we wanted to put them!  Realizing that closet doors can't be put up because new carpet is too high and having to call construction guys back to shave doors.  Cleaning the garage where construction guys had to cut floor boards on rainy days (and they all were rainy!), dusting every inch of every piece of furniture stored in garage so floor could be put in, and then carrying everything back into the house.

But hey, the car is back in the garage, the house is a little closer to habitable, and D and I are still married!


  1. It sounds like you've been really, really busy! And the fact you're still married is a plus!

  2. ahhhhhhh the real housework! bet it feels good to have some things back it place. it takes so long !
