It has been a frustrating week and a half as far as my computer is concerned. We found that once again the router was the source of my inability to get on line or process photos or do any of a number of tasks. Today the same issue sprang up again, but for whatever reason, it resolved itself.
Another interesting problem arose also, but this one was of my own making. When I began to set up my materials for painting class, I discovered that I had left at home the block on which my landscape was attached. Now that was something I've not done before!
Fortunately, I did have one piece of watercolor paper with me and my folder of photographs as I did not want to start another version of the landscape at this point. So, what you will see below is another landscape in the very beginning stages.
The photo was taken on our trip to New Orleans several years ago, and the painting is currently being called "In the Bayou".
The dark wobbly line at the top of the painting is a shadow caused by the tape which wasn't completely attached to the paper. And I repeat that this is a painting in the most early stages as was last week's work.
Which one will I work on next week? Right now I am thinking that it will be this one because I am seriously considering changing my mind about the "No Trestle" landscape. I really want that trestle in that painting.
I think this one has great potential. Go for it until you can do the trestle one - which I do agree NEEDS the trestle.