Thursday, July 18, 2013

Time to Refresh the Muse

Tomorrow I take off for one week in Vermont.  This is the destination:

As you might be able to see, this photo is taken from the dock (probably early morning when the sun was fully up) giving the view from the lake to the house.  The chaise lounges and the chairs above give the lounging or seated person the glorious view of the mountains that I have drawn and painted over and over again.  My hope is to spend a great deal of time every day sketching and painting, some time in the lake with a bit of reading and hand sewing thrown in for good measure, and lots of talking.
That means you won't hear from me until Monday, July 29, 2013.  In the mean time, may this weather break to something more comfortable and refreshing for you, may you find your muse in unexpected moments, and may you enjoy every possible hour.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a wonderful place to go refresh your soul. Enjoy! Wish I were there with you, but then I would need to get a paint by numbers to join you folks! (ha, ha) OK, I might be able to do a tree - but that's about it!
