Much to my dismay, it appears that I have taken only one photo of my current painting although I have spent three days on it. I thought this subject would soothe my amour propre (a fancy way of saying "pride") after my disappointment with Splash! If you remember, that was not a success, and my confidence took a hit. So I really wanted to work on something that had a chance of turning out well.
Success does help!
Today was my third day of work on this one and that's because one - two hours is my limit for three reasons. One, I try to work all over the surface and lay down an undercolor of pale color for the entire subject. Second, once that is done, the surface is damp to down right wet and has to dry. Third, it provides me with the time to look the work with a critical lens and really think about what comes next or what should be changed.
And writing this blog is also helpful. I've always found that for me writing requires concentrated thought which results in an exploration of how I really think or feel.
It also helps to see my painting in this way and see things that aren't as I thought they were. For examples, wow, that barn is RED! The tree on the left? Boring!
And, and, and . . . .
It's beautiful. You are very critical of your own work!