Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sharing a List of Chores

All right, I have to admit it; my phone and I are at cross purposes simply because I don't know how to upload photos from my phone directly onto my computer.  Well, I knew I needed to attach my phone's cord to the computer, but then?  I thought it would be simple - that I would receive a prompt or icon to click on and presto! my photos would be uploaded and easy to use.  Not so! and I still haven't figured it out so I'll have to trek back to the phone store and humbly admit my ignorance.  Until then, the photos I promised from my phone will remain among the missing.

Instead today I took photos using my camera which I do know how to use (okay, I know a little!) and took photographs that I will share shortly.  First though, the background to this story.  Since we started our most recent renovation, I have exclaimed and complained about the untidiness that goes along with such an endeavor.  So much of my time has been spent re-organizing that I haven't had time to do much else.  Enter Best Friend (known hereafter as BF). She also was having some trouble getting things done.  Putting our heads together, we decided that by joining forces we might conquer the problem.

Last night we exchanged lists of what we wanted to accomplish and thought we might be able to do in one month's time - give or take a bit (the amount of time was not critical, completion of listed tasks is the focus).  First on BF's list was a particular quilt, and first on mine was tidying my studio.  Today she and I met to run an errand and promised that we would check in on our progress daily.  As I left her, she reminded my that I had to do an hour (a manageable and reasonable period of time) of work in the studio while I reminded her that she had to focus on her first project.

Shortly after arriving home, I repaired to the studio and put in two hours of tidying/organizing.  Much of that time was spent putting fabrics in a bin but . . . keeping in mind that my task had to be organized in such a way that I could locate the fabrics easily in the future.  Usually I type out a list of contents and put 2 copies facing out on the inside of the bin - one copy in the front and one on a side. While this has been helpful in the past, I thought I'd try something new today.

So I took photographs of the fabrics and will add them to the list of contents.  Remembering the fabric line a year later by name alone or by proposed use doesn't always work.  

Here are a some of those photos:

When you look at these few pictures of fabrics and see how different the fabrics are, you can understand how hard it might be to describe them briefly but succinctly enough for recognition after the passage of time.

Yet, the real point is that something was accomplished today that had been so overwhelming to me that I had been unable to get started on it before now.  I'll bet that some of you have experienced the same issue.  My advice?  Ask a friend like my BF who will encourage you and/or nag you when necessary to share a list of projects you want to do. 

Believe me, it's working so far.  I'll keep you posted about my progress.



  1. Well, I must admit I didn't work on project #1 -- I finished up what I needed for quilt camp this weekend - and did some mindless knitting. Tomorrow is going to be devoted to project #1. And, yes, our talks will help keep us focused and get things done. So, if you did two hours today, does that mean you can skip a day?

  2. Absolutely use the photos to identify your fabrics. What is it they say? One picture is worth a thousand words.
