Sunday, June 23, 2013

June Activities

You know it's June when your calendar groans under the weight of the ink you've added to each day.  I know my calendar does, and I am sure that yours is even louder because I'm sure you have far more to do than I.  But I am sure that you, too, are thinking, "You know it's June."
Since I wrote last, D and I made two batches of strawberry jam with another one batch (at least) scheduled for tomorrow.  That's one way we know it is June - a steamy, fragrant kitchen and jars upon jars sending ruby flashes all over the room every time the sun strikes their glass sides.  You know it's June. 
Saturday was a meeting day for my special friends group and only two  could join me.  Among the others, one had a new baby in an almost-family household that had to been visited and hugged and just plain loved!  Another had a graduation to celebrate, and that's a momentous occasion one doesn't want to miss.  A third had golf and relatives and barbecues and just plain family fun.  You know it's June.
Reunions abound at this time of year, and we had one of those, also.  Saturday while I was bonding with friends, D was playing golf and laughing with high school friends at their 50th reunion.  Today we both went to enjoy a tour of their school which is just recognizable beneath layers of renovations, more chatting with his high school friends (I think 5 - 8 out of a class of 20 made it to some of the activities), and lunch.  You know it's June. 
It's time to dust off suitcases and make some trips avoided during the worst of winter.  It's time to remind you that there may be days that pass without an entry from me because I'm up to my ears in some summertime activity but that I will be back as soon as I can.
The days are long and hot, the garden is leaping, and the birds are singing riotously.  You know it's June!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your summer. Those pink flowers are beautiful - as are your jars of jam!

    Before we know it it will be the middle of September!!
