Tuesday, July 9, 2013

An Idea for Storing Fabrics

Today is usually the day I natter on about my studio class and what I did or did not do.  However, with the schedule we have from now until the beginning of construction, I needed to stay home and work on my clutter in the basement (please read yesterday's comments for some interesting geographical and linguistic notes). 
I don't intend to go on about it, but headway is being made.  Fabrics are being boxed into clear storage bins and most have labels stuck inside so I can tell what is in them.  Here's a new twist on that for me.  As I put fabric for a particular project in a bin, I mentally made note of the quilt pattern I intended to use the fabric for.  That then gets written on the label - or would have until I noticed the name of the pattern.  It was something like Sweetly Summer Pastels (actually I just made that up, but the name was syrupy like that and not me at all).  So instead of writing that on my bit of paper, I took the time to gather the magazine in which the pattern appeared as well as patterns for other projects going in other bins, ran upstairs, and made 2 copies of each pattern.  When in the basement again, I put one picture inside the end of the bin and one inside one of the sides.  Now I can see the label with the photo and know exactly what the quilt is and where the fabrics are.  Usually the name is enough, but for those times when it isn't, now I'll be able to find it without having to rummage through the bin. 
And how many years have I been using those stackable, clear storage bins?  Never mind.  It's taken a long time (almost as long as it took to use the clear ones), but at least I thought of it eventually. 
While I'm on the subject, why don't the makers of bins develop an envelope type of attachment for the inside of their bins that would hold labels/ photographs/lists facing out so people like me could easily slip paper in them?  Yes, the bin is clear, but once things are in there, it isn't easy to see each particular thing.  Makers of sheets and curtains have lovely interior pockets for their labels in their snap-shut plastic packaging (don't you love those plastic packages?  I keep them and use them until they fall apart - which usually doesn't happen quickly). 
How do you manage your storage?  Winter sweaters?  Things for summer vacations, camping gear, snow goggles, Christmas ornaments?  Do you label?  How?

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