Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Pre-Thanksgiving Chores

I would imagine if I asked 10 women who are retired what they did today, their answer would be cooking and cleaning.  Or maybe cleaning and cooking.  

That's what I did today with a great deal of help from D.  He prepared the dressing, the squash, and the mashed potatoes, and I prepared the creamed onions, the gravy stock, and the cranberry sauce.  He raked the "back 40" (the area behind our garden) and mowed the lawn - as he said with the snow that's coming today was the last day to do the final outside chores.  While he did that I cleaned (mostly dusting the high up places in the family room and vacuuming) and ran an errand. 

Tomorrow is baking day for me: apple crisp and cookies - and then the gravy and Panko topping for the creamed onions.  D helps with the crisp by peeling the apples, and I hope I can enlist him to help with prepping the remaining vegetables.  After that, I think we'll be ready.

Ready for the snowstorm?  Probably.  We've checked with D's sister, and she'll come when the weather permits, and tomorrow we'll make sure our daughter will wait until Thursday before driving.  

Thanksgiving will wait for them; they are among the reasons we celebrate it in the first place - and I bet all of those 10 women I asked about their day would say the same thing about their Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. I would agree. It's a day to spend with our families and the people we love. Hope your visitors have a very safe journey !!
