My sister-in-law delighted me the other day by sending this wonderful photo of her newest four-footed adoptee, one of a long, long line of rescued animals lucky enough to become part of her family. I took two liberties: posting the photo without asking for permission and cropping the photo to get a closer look at this face. Everything about this dog from his alert demeanor to his soft brown eyes says come on and sit with me! I hope she won't mind that I'm sharing this with you, but since I'm not naming names (his name is perfect!) to protect the obviously innocent, I hope she'll let it go this once.
The winged friends arrived suddenly this afternoon while I was in my studio. I felt as though I waere surrounded by this extremely large flock of robins as they swooped from the trees in the front yard to our neighbor's trees next door to the trees in our back yard. It seemed for a while as though they were taking turns landing and taking off. The crab apple in the front was one of their favorite perches. I consider myself lucky that I got several shots of birds in flight. Trust me, it was just luck!
Here you can see a few through the oak trees. Surprisingly enough, they didn't seem to be taking time to eat any of the tiny crab apples (robins are adapting to eat more than just earth worms) but just wanted to hang out for a while.
Finally a picture of the many more way up in the maple next door.
What a treat!