Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow you will all be even more busy than you were today, I bet.  You'll either be in your own home preparing for Thanksgiving, or you'll be preparing for Thanksgiving elsewhere (or other permutations of these scenarios).  Whichever is the case for you, I hope you are enjoying getting ready for time with your family and friends.

I must admit that every year at this time, I have to remind myself to take the time to be grateful for everything I most often take for granted.  I need a nudge to look beyond myself to others and think about what I can do to make sure I leave a positive imprint on them. 

So, I will respond to my own nudge here.  Thank you, my dear family and friends and those whom I hope will some day be friends, thank you for being who you are.  Thank you for your loving hearts and generous souls.  Thank you for your open minds and outstretched arms.  Your imprint on me has been singularly positive!

Again, happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. When I prepare for Thanksgiving, I clean and sort items in my dining room -- many from my mother. I find myself talking to her and even listening as she reminds me about removing all the eyes from the potatoes to keep the mashed potatoes that pure white color. The silver was a gift from my parents to Dave and me over a number of Christmases. As I clean I think of the years that have gone by. All my wonderful memories around the holiday. I guess that's one of the reasons Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday -- particularly when I gather my family around me. Yes, I am very thankful and grateful that I've had so many wonderful people in my life. Thanks for being you.
