Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Different Kind of Photo Album

Today I have too much time on my hands, or maybe I'm really just doing an extremely good job of procrastinating because I've been playing with some of my photographs.  Remember the night of the Super Moon?  Unfortuantely, that occurred the night before we left on our trip - the night before we had to get up at some much-too-early time in the morning.  I was determined to get a photo of that night sky but couldn't stay awake long enough to wait until the moon was in the right place in the sky.  Today I fooled around with using all those special filters you can use while editing and differents "looks" (like "poster-ize" or "comicbook-ize") but decided that I liked the photo pure and simpe after some judicious cropping.  While it's not one of those fabulous moon shots we saw in papers and magazines, I still like this modest photo:

As you can see, the moon is shining through the clouds and from behind the tree branches.  No glitz, no glamor, just a night sky.

Now here is one taken today that I did fool with. This is our wisteria (which hasn't done well this year), and  I think this may be the only "full" bloom we have.   We're not sure if it was the winter (the most likely) or because we took away its supporting arbor (which was falling apart) and it's sulking.  Anyway, I dramatized this one to make the most of the single spray!

I was supposed to be working on the Charleston photos for an hour before going on to other chores.  Somehow two hours slipped by while I played with several folders of pictures without noticing the time at all!  Oh well, I'll leave you with a view of Charleston's new bridge.  This is only a portion of the bridge (which is now the longest span in the US - I think I have that right); if I'd ignored the pilings, I'd have been able to get more of the bridge.  But the pilings and the sky were the perfect foil!

Thank you for letting me share a portion of my photo album with you.

1 comment:

  1. I love your night moon photo. Dave and I did not know that on the second evening of the full moon, the sky was clear. One of my colleagues from the Art Class made an absolutely fabulous photo of the Manhattan skyline with an unbelievable moon hovering above the buildings. Your Charleston bridge shot is an interesting composition.
