Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Comment for a Friend

Today I had several e-mails about recent entries; thank you to all of you who take the time to comment.  I know how much effort that takes! 
I've been avidly reading and enjoying the blog of a dear friend (who is in the midst of renovating sections of her wonderful home).  She's so pleased with her choice of paint color because the gray make her happy.  She is right when she also says, "Go with your gut" no matter what might be popular (coral is an "in" color, for example, that would not make me happy on my walls).  I can see her in a gray room.  Gray is the color of mist.  Mist is usually silent.  Mist and silence indicate the presence of a body of water.  Water means rhythym.  Rocking is soothing therefore gray equals tranquility.
Isn't is fun to let your mind follow a whisper of an idea to see where it leads you?
Anyway, I was going to say that while I have enjoyed reading her entries and poring over her photgraphs, I have not commented.  The right words aren't always ready, the time may not be available, distraction may set in - there are a hundred and one reasons for not commenting.  But when I find the moment, I try to grab it.
So, Karen, this entry is for you.  I am so happy when you write, and as I read, I always have an internal dialogue with you.  I admire you for keeping yourself active and for allowing yourself to find joy when it does come to you. 


  1. Ditto - although I do believe I told Karen that if she was going for the total destruction look, she did achieve it! I love reading both your blogs and I, too, sometimes don't comment - but that mental dialog keeps going!

  2. thank you my friend...sometimes I wonder why I blog...then I get a nod like this and know. It is my outlet, and I do enjoy it...and if it leads to others following "mind whispers" I've done my job :-)
    Not much joy today, but many thoughts of those I love. Consider yourself thought of!
