Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Funny Thing Happened When . . .

Yesterday when I came home from painting class, I was still wrapped up in the painting and reluctant to leave it alone.  Usually I don't do much painting here because there's really no safe place to paint.  My easel is in the computer room which has an unprotected carpet on the floor (horrid, ugly, old carpet, but it's what we have for the time being).  Yesterday that didn't stop me.
I had two palette knives going, one in either hand, and both were loaded with paint.  I don't know exactly how it happened, but I managed to drop one - the bigger of the two, the one with more paint (cadmium blue), naturally.  D was at the computer in the same room so there was no way to hide what had happened.  Of course, I told him I'd clean it up (though I had no idea how), but I knew it was my mess, my responsibility.
Fortunately, he had to go out so I was able to run through my repertoire of cleaning tricks (it didn't take long, I really don't have very many).  First I took out my turpenoid (what used to be straight turpentine is now something similar but not exactly the same - I never took chemistry so I have no clue), paper towels, and cloth rags.  Scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed at it.  I did manage to get quite a bit out, but that section of the rug still looked quite bluish (and so did the paper towels, the rags, and me).
Okay, I thought to myself.  I'll let it dry a little, and then I'll use the Resolve (our go-to cleaner for hair balls from our cats).  Downstairs I went to arm myself with the next set of cleaning supplies when I had an idea.
Do you remember My Big Fat Greek Wedding?  Guess what I used instead of Resolve.  Yup.  And it worked!
Windex is truly awesome stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Windex???on a rug???? I'll have to try it on my next cat hairball spots! Who knew? And now I'll state the obvious - bring up some newspapers and put them where you're going to be! But then, how would we have learned Windex really does everything?
