Sunday, May 3, 2015

Air Plant

ME and I went to Quilt Camp this weekend, and we were both able to accomplish a lot.  I didn't take photos this time - well, I did take one which I'll share later, but there were people there doing amazing work!  

Once home again, more headway was made, and for the moment anyway I feel that everything is under control. I spent a bit of time reading before undertaking the Sunday-watering-of-the-plants routine.  Look at what I found!

This is one of the air plants D"s sister N gave him for his birthday.  While I was watering the fern plant in which this one nestles (and the two Tillandsias* behind it), I realized this one is in bloom!  I think the flowers are the lovely purple buds you see along the red flower stalk.   Look at the very end of the purple flower at the tip.  See where it has opened up and the yellow stamens are poking out?  Really neat.

Enjoy your day!

*  "Tillandsia, more widely known as air plants, make up the largest genus in the bromeliad family, encompassing more than 600 species."

from Air Plants: the Curious World of Tillandsias by Zenaida Sengo.  (p 20)


  1. an air plant that blooms. Wonder if one would survive here?

  2. an air plant that blooms. Wonder if one would survive here?
