Friday, October 14, 2011


Are you fed up with the number of catalogs you receive?  A few evenings ago, there was a segment on the news regarding the postal service's attempt to make business for itself (I wish I could remember the number of personal first class mail items an individual receives; it's amazingly few).  While I appreciate their struggle to remain a viable business, I don't want to add to the unnecessary use of tree pulp, my recycling responsibilities, or my temptation to spend money.

Here's what I've been doing (and should have done years ago, I suppose).  Before recycling those pesky catalogs, I rip off the back page which has my address and customer information on it.  The catalog goes on the recycle pile with the newspapers, and the back page goes in a folder.  In order to take myself off the mailing list for a specific company, I set aside a specific amount of time I'm willing to spend a day or a specific number of catalogs.  Making myself comfortable, with my folder and pen in hand, I call the phone number on the back page.  Companies vary, of course, and sometimes I get a person immediately, sometimes I have to choose from a list (it's usually customer service but once I was shunted to a line specifically for removable from catalog mailings), but only once have I had to deal with a machine. 

Remembering to be cheerful and polite, I ask to be removed from their list and give them the information they ask for.  Sometimes all they need is the customer service number on the back of the catalog, but sometimes they need name and address.  Once they have all the information they need, they'll tell me that I may still receive a few catalogs that are already in the works but that then I will be off their list.  I mark that I called on the back page, note the date (in case I receive too many "in the works" catalogs!), and file the page alphabetically by company name.

I've also learned to ask if they handle any other catalogs than the specific one I'm calling because sometimes I think I've talked to a catalog distribution company.  If I ask, they'll tell me.  Usually I recognize the names of catalogs I receive even if I don't have their page in my folder so I ask to be removed from those lists as well.  I make a note of that on the original back page so I have a record.

So far I've been removed from the list for 17 catalogs, and I'm not finished yet.  That's a lot of wasted paper and a lot of temptation.  But wouldn't you know it?  Today I received a new catalog!

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