Thursday, October 24, 2013

Never Ending Cycle

Has anyone figured out why it is that when we tidy, we usually (and I always) create a mess?  That's what happened today.  My desk is half cleared off, but all the papers I moved from its surface are now in separate piles on the floor.  In among those piles are binders that came down from my studio so I could put those neat piles into them.  Hasn't happened.  

The kitchen area has been cleaned and tidied and all the coffee paraphernalia that had been out for months for the workmen is now put away out of sight where it belongs.  But the kitchen table still has mail that D needs to look over (I did manage to recycle some older catalogs and newspapers) and the balls of yarn that I got out before going to my knitting class after supper.  I had to be sure I was happy with my choice of colors for the project being taught. Could I have put it away when I got home?  Of course!  Did I?  Well, half way. The rejected yarn is in at least in a bag.  On the kitchen table.

Some items that I had stored on the floor of my closet (mostly books and the yarn I pawed through today) have been put away.  Except there are some books on my dresser that I want to read soon and the yarn is - well, you know.

This morning I went through my closet and took out the last (I hope it's the last) of the warm weather clothing, folded it all neatly, put the slacks in a bin, and put the tops in in ROY G. BIV piles (my organization pattern for clothing).  The bin of slacks is now in the guest room waiting for D to store where he'd like it put, but the tops are in neat piles on the bed awaiting a bin - creating a messy guest room from one that was pristine this earlier.

D's Bonsai Garden quilt was squared up today (yeah!) so I can sew on binding tomorrow (remember, it came back from the quilter just in time to be put away until I could get my sewing machine out after construction).  It is no longer on the chest beside our bed which is good, but it is on the (clean) floor in the studio which isn't so good and certainly not tidy.

Tomorrow I plan to sew the binding on that quilt after I restore some order to places I "tidied" today!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, do I ever relate to what you wrote about. I've been trying to clean up the sewing room - but then I find a pattern and need to pick out fabric because I want to do it NOW -- things are piled up on the cutting board - and there's wool all over the floor because I NEED to see all my choices for the crazy quilt purse I am going to make for ME. Of course, there's also all the silks and satins out for the garden crazy quilt project that will be next! If I put them away, I might forget what I'm doing - right. And then all the stuff I put away in the guest room, well.........the word tornado now applies to the guest room. I just need to have a whole lot less stuff!! But, what would we do with totally clean houses? You do know a clean, organized home is the sign of a mis spent life - or a person who is very boring!
