Friday, March 16, 2012

Janet Haigh: Her Work

Every now and then I stumble across a blog that reaches out to me with kindred-spirit-fingers from the screen of my computer.  Sometimes those fingers gently let go after an entry or two, but some have a more tenacious hold.  Right now I have become ensnared by Janet Haigh's blog.  I've read only a few entries, flown through dozens and dozens of photos, and I am thoroughly intrigued by everything she does.  My next move may be to find out more about her from someone else - or maybe not.  It might be more fun, and more worthwhile for me to develop my own ideas about her and her work by exploring her blog further.

Recently I sent some friends photos of a wedding dress on which she did the ribbon embroidery.  The date is February 29, 2012 and the title is "Ribbon Flower Corset for Vintage Weddings".  It's a delightful entry - especially if you've just planned a wedding, are planning one, or hope to some time.  I loved the flowers made from printed pages farther on in the entry, and the cakes were quite unique though I thought they might be prettier and more effective in person. 

I found Janet Haigh's site when I idly googled embroidered pansies.  Wait until you see them!  I've seen many drawing of pansies with faces superimposed on them (a friend of mine recently called them the "clowns of the garden, isn't that lovely?) and have even drawn some myself.  But I've never embroidered pansy faces.  They are stunning, and the quality of the embroidery is very fine indeed.  She shows you her drawings of the actual pansy and the metamorphosis into the face of something else entirely. 

Currently Ms Haigh is working with another woman on an intriguing project.  You can read about it in the current entry.  That's what I read first after scanning several entries.  Here is another person besides me who pays attention to trees and what lives within them!  I have my favorite trees on streets around here - one is on Lydius and one on Old State, but there are others.  Now Janet Haigh is taking her fascination and doing something about it.

I don't want to tell you any more because I want you to have the pleasure of exploring this blog for yourselves.  Here is her blog address:     

Happy reading!

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