Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Appointment Times

Early afternoon appointments are my least favorite.  They're the ones offered when all the "good" (i.e., favorite/preferred times) are taken.  If I were to conduct an informal survey, I think the majority of respondents would give either the first appointment or the last of the day as the favored time.

If you have an early appointment, it forces one to be organized.  The night before one lays out clothes, puts phone, keys, purse/wallet on the expected surface near the exit door, coffee/tea is set up, lunch is made and in the refrigerator, pills (if any) are out near the coffee/tea so they won't be forgotten, and one is ready to rock and roll the next morning.  "What about showering?" you ask. "A mere matter of preference," I respond.  Some people always shower in the morning and get up a little earlier to take care of it while others prefer evening ablutions and don't change there, either.  Breakfast?  Simple.  One eats after the appointment, of course!

The end of the day appointment suits those who just can't do the morning routine for anything or anyone or for those who can't handle one more need-to-do item with their already full-to-overflowing a.m. schedule.  For them the end of day is perfect.  They're already up and dressed and have been for a long time so nothing extra needs to be done on that front.  They're also already out and about in their mode of transportation.  An appointment may give an excuse to avoid dropping off the dry-cleaning, picking up the fish for dinner, or any other unpleasant/tedious errand.  All that is required is that they remember the appointment, get there, do "it", and roll on home.

It's those mid-day appointments that catch one.  One is always engrossed in something that really needs to be completed at the very moment that one is reminded that if one doesn't get going right now, one will be late/miss said appointment entirely.  That means that either one sits around trying not to get engrossed or that one misses the appointment and has to pay for it anyway.   If one does make it in time to avoid the clenched teeth smiles of those who have been doing filing chores for 30 minutes rather than important, fun work simply because one was late, there is the problem of what to do after the appointment.  It's always either too early or too late to do whatever one wishes to do.  Basically by the end of a day that has a middle-of-the-day appointment, the whole day has been unproductive, no fun, and down right no good.

Guess which appointment I had today.

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