Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Daughter's Visit

Our daughter R took today off so she could drive down.  She needed to do some business locally, and she said she needed some time to be with us.  Isn't that nice?  We certainly thought so.  It does make a difference when she is here without our grandson because he does take all of our attention - or at least most of it.  And that's as it should be as she freely said, but it's nice (she also said) to be able to relax with us without keeping a "weather eye" out for incipient problems with a youngster.  We definitely know what she means!

Anyway, it was wonderful to see her; she is so happy and relaxed these days even though her work is stressful (when isn't it for our children?).  That is a real joy for us.  I commented to ME after R left that we don't realize just how difficult things are for our loved ones until the difficulty is past.  Barring a catastrophic event, more often than not hard times come on gradually, and therefore changes come on in the same way.  It's all so gradual that we don't notice.

But all is well with her at this time so we rejoiced and enjoyed her very welcome presence.

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