Thursday, November 7, 2013

Completing Some Chores

Lovely conversations with two of my sisters-in-law today which reminded me how lucky I am.  Getting along well with in-laws is one thing but really enjoying their company is another.  The latter isn't given to everyone so I say again, I'm lucky.

Miserable rainy day that reminded me what November is much of the time.  Despite that, we managed to get a lot of business done this morning including the yearly eye exam for D, and buying a new mobile phone for me.  I had done my homework ahead of time so I knew what I wanted, but even so it seemed to take an inordinate amount of time from telling the clerk what I wanted and walking out with it in my hand.  No one's fault, really.  Computers were slow, managers who could unlock things were busy else where, and setting up everything just takes time.  

D was concerned because our builder said he'd be by on a rainy day to take care of a couple of minor things like fixing a rain diverter that is going the wrong way (!) that still need to be done, but he didn't make it.  That worked out all right.  The rain wasn't torrential, and we certainly had enough else to do to keep us both busy.

Thank you all who wrote to tell me how much you like my new cutting table/ironing board/drafting table.  D did do a spectacular job!  I love it too and so spent time trying to corral the wildest of my fabrics, sort them, and put them away in the closet.  I reached the point where everything is off the floor, the room looks lovely, and I can retrieve the last of my sewing gear from the dining room.  Of course, that means that the floor will be piled high again, but this should be the last monumental pile for a while anyway.

Stay warm this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the last of the dining room sorting. Now onto the basement???
