Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Magic Within Us

Yesterday afternoon I spent time sewing, and when I had to put things away because dinner time loomed, I looked at what I had put up on the design wall.  The central blocks were completed, and I found myself dissatisfied.

As I lay in bed last night, that centerpiece kept creeping into my mind.  I had come to terms with the notion of starting all over either with different fabrics or with the same ones I had already used but re-positioning them.  Suddenly, I realized that one small block which repeated itself on each side of the center square, could be oriented differently and make the problem "melt, thaw, and resolve itself into a dew" (Shakespeare, Hamlet).  

Alas, sewing time was not to be had today, and while I was disappointed, I found the "philosophical mind" (Wordsworth, Ode to Immortality).  The correction won't take long to effect, and had I not had the lag time, the resolution of the problem wouldn't have floated up to the surface of my brain.

And that's what I'll think about tonight after reading and before sleep claims me.  Our amazing brains.  Think of all the times an answer, a creative idea, the way to deal with some irritant has simply appeared in your mind when you weren't looking.  Since I don't know how our brains work (firing neurons and all that), I'll settle for magic.

Don't you think that's as good an explanation as any?


  1. I think magic is the right word and like Mardi, I do love magic - especially when it's between friends!
