Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Savannah's Train Museum

Back to photographs from our trips in March.  I'm going to focus on Savannah today, but I may return to San Diego to share some of the last pictures and to revel in the sunshine that was generally missing while in Savannah.  That was a big disappointment, but the city is so beautiful that aside from the facts that we were unprepared for the cooler temperatures and taking pictures with my phone on the rainy days resulted in less attractive photos, it was a great trip.

One of the first places we visited was the train museum which was wonderful.  We wound up spending much longer than I initially thought we would, and we all enjoyed it a lot.  I'm going to try to use very few captions/descriptions tonight because I don't think I can accurately explain what is in the picture, or because I think the picture speaks for itself - just interesting or good.  So here goes:

And that, in brief, is our visit to Georgia State Railroad Museum.  


  1. I don't want to offend the photographer, but I have to ask, are the photos showing steam from the engine originals or copies of photos in the Museum?. I do particularly love the engine engulfed in steam. Whoever the photographer is, well done!!

  2. Thanks, Est, they are my photos. This engine is still used to take visitors (like us) on short rides and to show how the turntable was used to get the engines in and out of their berths in the roundhouse. We were simply lucky to be there when they fired up this one!

  3. There's a train museum? Jerry would love to see that! And I do love all the photographs. Thanks for sharing!
