Sunday, September 18, 2011

Eight days into Challenge 3

Looking at the title I've given today's blog is scary; it's written the day before it's posted so since today is Saturday, the title is accurate.  At 11:35 Colorado time, an e-mail arrived telling me I would move on into Challenge 3.  I opened that e-mail Saturday, September 10, after returning from visiting family.  Among other things, I learned that I would have to make a quilt "inspired by the lyrics to any well-recognized song". 

What on earth have I been doing since that moment?  First I had to think of a song I knew that would be "well-recognized".  Operatic arias aren't generally well-recognized.  "Tutti Frutti"  not only wouldn't be well-recognized, nor would it inspire a winning quilt!  "Hey, Jude" is more likely to be recognized, but I couldn't imagine a quilt to go with it that I'd want to make.  Gilbert and Sullivan certainly wouldn't work, either.  Of course, after a while, I did hit upon a song I could use that would be perfect for me, but by that time I was nearly frantic.  I'm accustomed to have inspiration come knocking quickly.  This one wasn't so easy.

However, once I latched upon the right song, the idea was quick to follow.  The sketch was drawn and revised - no copying needed for this pattern, but I needed to visit fabric shops, and check with my quilter to make sure my design was do-able.  Then I managed to have to launder a quilt, organize my space, find my tracing paper (hence the need to organize - again!), preview fabrics, trace my pattern pieces, cut those pieces out, and finally, Friday I constructed my background . . . 

Sounds awful, doesn't it?  Believe it or not, this is the way I normally begin a project - especially if it's one of my own design.  It's partly overcoming fear, partly letting the ideas really settle into place, and partly overcoming inertia.  

Today the machine applique process began.  Now the quilt will begin to take form, my excitement will build, and each day my eagerness to get to work on it will escalate.  I will get frustrated at how slowly the sewing advances as I add piece after piece.  I don't work quickly because I want to work carefully.  Mistakes will happen, but I don't want them to happen because I was sewing at a breakneck speed and suddenly wound up in Block Island, totally out to sea!

And, in case I should forget, there's everyday life.  David is so patient with me and so helpful around the house, but he has things he has to do, too.  So the phone will ring, the cat will need to be fed, and the laundry will need to be done.  I do have a schedule, but I'm already behind by one day.  That should be something I can make up.

I hope.

I'll let you know! 

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