Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Busy Day

What a day! Our tree man came - rain and all - and took care of some tree limbs that were in need of removal.  They (arborists) are amazing; they need more than a smattering of knowledge about trees and the machines they use.  To say nothing about the danger of the job. When he left, our trees were safer for people wandering under their branches and let in more light all without compromising their integrity.

The light rain we had this morning made it possible for me easily to do some planting.  The white flower garden now has two more white delphiniums - let's hope they all (including the one I added last year) make it through the winter and are ignored by the chipmunks.  My white lilies were found over the winter by the beasties, and only one came up in the spring.  It grew and set its buds, but one morning I went to get the newspaper and found the lily stretched out on the ground.  The bulb had been completely eaten leaving the stalk with no roots.  Sigh.  The same thing happened in the back yard, but until this year, the front was safe.  "Was" being the operative word.

The rest of the day I spent sewing on another secret project which I hope to have finished by the end of the week.  

All in all, it was a successful day - except for the "no painting" part.  

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a wonderfully productive day to me!! Want to come over and pick raspberries? I'm heading out now!
